Don't get me wrong. I don't hate Morning Glories, but I'm far from loving them. When they get established, it's with a vengeance.
We moved in six years ago in late Winter, and there were a few tell tale signs that Morning Glory vines had been up the front porch, and strangled a few of the shrubs on the side of the house. I didn't think much of it. I thought they were annuals. I cleared away the dead debris and looked forward to having a clean, blank canvas to work with. Wow, was I wrong.
We have lived in this house for over 6 years and they continue to come up every year! How many seeds to these things produce? Not only do they continue to come up, but they sprout at different times. For the past few weeks, I've been pulling up seedlings in the same location. You'd think they'd all sprout at once, I'd get them all, and we'd be done. But no.
Let this serve as a warning for those of you who can't resist those powdery blue blooms on the side of the seed packet. You're planting for life.