Friday, September 27, 2013

As Fall Approaches

Cooler weather has gotten me into fall decorating mode, both inside and out. 

My first purchase was 10 mums from Lowe's for $10.  They were nearing the end of their bloom, but had enough buds left that I thought I'd get some color out of them.  I planted a combo of yellow and purple in the pots flanking the entry, and put three on either side of the stairs.  Hard to see here, but that's partly because they're fading. I should have been more diligent about the blog and captured a photo when I planted them last week.  As you can see, the rest of the garden isn't looking too shabby.  I've got soaker hoses strewn throughout, which seem to be working like a charm.  The trick is to water for several hours at a time.

Since it's still a bit warm out (82 here today), I am really holding myself back from a lot of fall annual planting.  So, to make things interesting, I thought I'd share some indoor pics of what I've been up to.  This is my entry console table, adorned with a faux pear tree that's been with me for years, a spray of fall flowers that I crafted above the mirror, and a real Island Pine to the right, compliments of my Uncle Dominic.
This is the sofa table, showcasing my mercury glass collection, along with some lovely faux sunflowers and a real orchid in a glass terrarium.  I have been waiting for this orchid to bloom for about 2 years.  Patience is a virtue, I'm told.

The front door is now sporting a harvest-worthy wreath, thanks to those awesome 3M command strip hooks.  And the ferns are digging the cooler temperatures.

More bargains!  These matrix orange pansies were in a flat of 9 for $3.00 at Home Depot today.  I couldn't resist them, as the foliage looked very fresh, and they were covered with blossoms.  Not to mention, I particularly love this color.

This is Moses in a Cradle, surrounded by Purple Heart.  I recently transplanted the combo to a terra cotta pot, which I think sets off the colors in the foliage beautifully.