This is going to be the first of many posts about my new garden. I'll share thoughts, experiences, and photos along the way.
It's the worst time of year to plant. Spring is so busy with pruning, mulching, etc., and then you're supposed to be done? No, sorry. I feel compelled to be productive throughout the year. I know I'm supposed to sit back and enjoy the fruits of my Spring labor, but I can't.
I've spent a lot of time planning this new garden, which is not normal for me. I thought I'd take a planned approach to this one and see if it leaves me with less transplanting a few years down the road, when I realize I've stuffed things too close together, or a combination is just not working out. I have spent a lot of time staring at the sunny patch of grass dreaming about how it will look when it's established. I've measured and plotted and even purchased some plants.
The whole idea for this garden came from the need to move some sun-loving plants from shadier parts of my yard to this sun-bathed area in hopes that they will do better. Somewhere along the line, I got the genius idea to make it an edible and flower garden.
Over the weekend, I ordered three dwarf "Top Hat" blueberry plants from Hartmann's Plant Nursery and they arrived today! They were supposed to ship in September, but this is fine, because as I mentioned, I was itching to get going and purchased my "bones" for the garden -- 3 green velvet boxwoods. Looks like I'll be starting the installation this weekend. And I should mention the blueberry bushes look awesome. They are 2 year plants, and are covered with blueberries, some already ripened. This variety yields in August, so we are going to enjoy blueberries right away!
Other plants that will be featured and on the way -- reblooming "Immortality" (white) and "Orange Harvest" iris, and iris pallida variegata (foliage is stunning) from KVB Wholesale. Transplants include standard white bearded iris, daylilies, Sarah Bernhardt peonies, and a hydrangea or two.
I bet you're thinking -- how big is this garden going to be? Well, according to my measurements, it'll be 25 feet long and about 9 feet deep at the widest point. Once I set the shrubs out, I'll have final specs to share.
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